Good News Church

God's People, Reaching Up, Reaching In, Reaching Out

  • Old Road
  • Whaley Bridge
  • High Peak
  • SK23 7LA

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pizza night sept 24

You are welcome to join us at Good News Church.


Do come and join us Sundays 10.30am - 11.45am, followed by refreshments.

Whether this is your first time to church, whether you haven't been for a while - come along. All are welcome!


Thought for March 2025

Here is an historical article, of the Lord at work a couple of miles away, back in 1841. He is still at work today, here in High Peak, across the UK and around the world.


As we have looked at Acts chapters 9-12 we have followed the start of the church’s journey, which went on from the Holy Land to change many countries and lives today, with the Gospel crossing national borders, ethnic groups and many man-made boundaries.


The Gospel message was given to be shared by the Apostles and the early church – and it has been passed on and shared in many different and creative ways, both near and far, ever since. The call of God on each of us is – have we responded and where are we passing on the Gospel – the good news of God’s love and forgiveness through Christ. 


Every blessing, Rob


From Primitive Methodist Magazine, 1841(Bradwell Circuit.)



At Whitehough, in the Bradwell circuit, a new Primitive Methodist Connexional chapel and Sunday school were opened for divine worship, on Sunday, August 23, 1840. Mr. James Ingham of New Mills, preached at two o’clock in the afternoon, and the Rev. Mr. Glossop, Independent minister (from Chinley Chapel who was the first minister at Brierley Green too) , at six in the evening.

The congregations were large, services powerful, and the collections liberal. It was the commencement of a new era in the village and neighbourhood, causing the moral wilderness to blossom as the rose. The chapel is twenty-seven feet long, by twenty-one wide; built of good stone, slated, and well lighted with large sash windows. It is eligibly situated in the centre of an increasing population, who have come forward to the help of the Lord, in contributing their monies towards defraying the expenses connected with the building; so that the remaining debt is but trifling, and easy to bear. And the Rev. Mr. Glossop has presented a new bible to the trustees, for the use of the chapel.

The Sunday school commenced August 30, with great promise of success. We have now one hundred and thirty regular scholars, and a good number of attentive teachers; and the chapel is too small already to accommodate the people who wish to attend. In answer to persevering faithful prayer, the Holy Spirit has been poured out upon us from on high, a REVIVAL is begun, and upwards of twenty souls have been converted the last fortnight. To God be all the glory. The blessed work is beginning to move in other places also.


Through the medium of our magazine, we tender our thanks to the trustees, and all the friends who have taken an active part in this glorious work, praying that they may be rewarded in this life, and in that which is to come.

Accept of my Christian regards. Pray for us.S. ATTERBY. Bradwell, Nov 1840



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Rob Cross


01663 75o435

Palm Sunday 2024

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